Tuesday, February 24, 2009

To Build a Bridge...

Over the past couple of weeks, we have seriously been considering a move to the exotic outer-regions of Bridgeport, Connecticut. Why would we do such a thing, considering the fact that we have a reasonably priced house in a fairly nice neighborhood in New Canan? The fact of the matter is that our current rental house is just not big enough for all of us...We have seven people and only three bedrooms. Most nights, we have two babies in the bed with Lisa which leaves two bedrooms for the other four of us. Jackson has taken to sleeping in the attic in a Giant Lovesac that I nearly killed myself hauling up there two years ago, so I usually end up sleeping on the couch or crunching myself into a little ball in Julian's bed. Lilac basically roves from one locale to other, presumably directed by the echoes of her dreams...

Another reason why leaving New Canaan would be good is because, honestly, New Canaan is probably the snootiest, strangest, most unfriendly place I have ever lived. I hate the thought that your neighbors are always watching you to see what you're doing, making sure your lawn is mowed and your trash is taken out. I hate that people actually judge you by how much "bank" you carry or how nice your car is. When I used to watch movies like, say, "The Karate Kid" or "Pretty in Pink", I always thought it was funny how rude the rich people were to the people from the wrong side of the tracks. But darn it, that stuff is real...

So, we found this giant house for rent in Bridegport, about a half mile from the old GE plant, and we're really ready to take the leap....

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